Save Energy With New Energy-Smart Homes & Commercial Buildings If you’re remodeling or building in Grenada, this is your opportunity to create a home or business facility that costs less to operate, provides greater comfort, health and safety, and is gentler on the environment. Grenlec encourages you to design your new home or building with energy efficiency in mind to save money and energy, while enjoying a more comfortable environment for a lifetime of value. Please ask your builder or contractor about the latest in energy-efficient building practices and products. To help you get started: 1. High-efficiency Water Heating Equipment Invest in high-efficiency equipment in a size that suits your needs or consider a solar water heater to reduce electricity consumption while using natural resources wisely. 2. Natural or Mechanical Ventilation Maintaining the circulation and exchange of fresh air helps reduce indoor moisture problems, odours, and pollutants for a more comfortable, healthy home. 3. Energy Efficient Lighting LED light bulbs and fixtures last up to 10 times longer. They use up to 75% less energy, and are available in a variety of design options to suit any décor. You can use many models with timers and dimmers to conveniently control lighting and manage your energy consumption. 4. Energy Efficient Appliances Made by leading manufacturers you know and trust, ENERGY STAR certified refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, air conditioners and other electronics offer a range of styles and features, while meeting high energy performance standards. Energy labels help you to compare appliances in terms of energy efficiency. 5. High-performance Windows Well sealed, double-glazed, low-E ENERGY STAR certified windows help reduce heat, lower cooling costs, buffer outside noise for a quieter interior, and reduce fading of curtains, furniture, and flooring. 6. Right-sized Cooling Equipment Bigger isn’t always better. Properly sized and installed high-efficiency cooling equipment maximizes energy efficiency and system performance for lower costs and longer equipment life. 7. Improved Insulation Installing roof, ceiling, and wall insulation with higher R-value levels helps keep cool air inside, so your fans and air conditioning equipment don’t have to work as hard. 8. Air Sealing Sealing up the all the cracks and gaps around doors, windows, recessed lighting and cooling equipment helps reduce drafts, moisture problems, and energy loss. 9. Device/Appliance Management Implement protocols for managing appliance demand and on-times. Timers, sensors, variable frequency drives (VFDs) and other controls can assist in automating this management process. |
Be sure to contact us about your electricity supply needs at the planning stage of your construction project so we can assess your power needs correctly at the outset and help you avoid any wiring problems or delays later on. |