Industrial Feeder impacted – (St David) Main line up to Gladstone Road, St. Andrew’s including the town of Grenville connected.
Work in progress:
- Area in Morne Repos
Areas not connected:
- Areas in Laura Land
- Area in Morne Repos
- Area in Thebaide
- Area in Providence
- Area in Requin
- Area in Felix Park
Grenville Feeder impacted – Main line up to Lower Grugru Baillie Hill and Plains by the bathroom in St. Patrick connected. Main lines from Morne Fendue to Plains by the bathroom in St. Patrick connected. Main lines from Morne Fendue to Snell Hall after the SDA Church in St. Patrick connected.
Work in progress:
- Main line from Snell Hall enroute to Mt. Rich
- Main lines from Lower Grugru Baillie Hill enroute to Mt. Rich
Areas not connected:
- Area in the Mt. St. Margaret
- Area in Maribeau
- Area in Upper Capital
- Area in Mt. Horne
- Area in Paradise
- Area in Seamoon
- Area in Telescope
- Main line – from Lower Grugru Baillie Hill to Snell Hall in St. Patrick’s
- Areas in Tivoli
- Mt Reuil
- Rich
- Area in Mt. Rose
- Areas in Pointzfield
Gouyave Feeder impacted – Main line energized up to its open point at Morne Fendue in St. Patrick.
Work in progress:
- Area in Darvey
- Area in top Prospect
Areas not connected:
- Areas Gouyave Estate, Clozier,
- Area in Darvey
- Area in Prospect
- Area in Industry
- Area in Samaritan
- Broken poles and extensive lines on ground in Samaritan Hill to Chantimelle (Major) and Upper Marli
- Broken poles and damaged conductors in Plains
- Blaize: trees on lines, conductor damage.