The Grenada Electricity Services (Grenlec) and its supporting partners are continuing preparations for the 2024 Season with the first debates of the preliminary round carded for Wednesday, 18 September.
The Debates commenced on Thursday, 5 September with an orientation session for coaches and featured a draw for match-ups in the Preliminaries. Training workshops for the judges took place during the week of 9 September, while preparation for the students got underway much earlier with a Debates Training Camp in March.
Twenty (20) secondary schools are registered for the 2024 competition. Unfortunately, due to the current situation on the Sister Isles, Bishop’s College and Hillsborough Secondary School, which participate in the debates every year, are unable to field a team this year.
The Grenlec Debates is a truly national project. The collaboration is well supported by educators, public and private sector entities and professionals, who volunteer their time and expertise as resource people and judges.
Broadcast of the 2024 Grenlec Debates begins Saturday, 5 October on television and the Company’s YouTube channel.

Coaches attend the 2024 Grenlec Debates orientation