1. Due Date Date by which full payment is due. Not all bills are due at the end of the month.
2. Use Grenlec Access No. Call 237 for your bill balance and due date.
3. Actual or Estimated Actual – we have read your meter. Estimate – we could not access your meter or an inconsistency required us to verify the reading we took. We calculated an average of your usage over the previous 3 months.4. Meter Readings / Date of Reading 4A) Previous reading 4B) Most recent reading 4B minus 4A = usage this billing period
5. No. of Days Count no. of days between 4A and 4B to get the no. of days for which you are being billed this period.
6. Account Number Identifies location/apartment.
7. Customer Number Identifies you. Same customer number on every account set up by that customer.